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B 40
Beigbeder, Frédéric. Love Lasts Three Years : [novel] / F. Beigbeder. – [Edinburgh] : Black & White Publishing, [20??]. – 114 p.
A well-known theory says that love depends on the level of hormones in the blood. Dopamine is no longer produced - goodbye, falling in love! Mark Marronier, unfortunately, saw this from his own experience: the first three years of his marriage had just passed, when his wife got tired of him, and the hero was drawn into the vortex of a new passion. But time flies, and only a week remains before the critical three-year deadline. Will everything happen again this time? 


G 45
Gilbert, Elizabeth. Eat, Pray, Love : [one woman’s search for everything] : [novel] / E. Gilbert. – [Edinburgh] : Black & White Publishing, [20??]. – 290 p.
Elizabeth Gilbert is the number one bestselling author of Eat Pray Love, which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and been translated into over 46 languages. A celebrated writer's irresistible, candid, and eloquent account of her pursuit of worldly pleasure, spiritual devotion, and what she really wanted out of life. A funny, tender, utterly beguiling story about a woman's search for happiness. Eat, Pray, Love is about what can happen when you claim responsibility for your own contentment and stop trying to live in imitation of society’s ideals. It is certain to touch anyone who has ever woken up to the unrelenting need for change.


F 50
Fielding, Helen. Bridget Jones’s Diary : novel / H. Fielding. – [Edinburgh] : Black & White Publishing, [20??]. – 194 p. – (The #1 National Bestseller).
The multi-million copy number one Bestsellerю. A dazzlingly urban satire on modern relationships? An ironic, tragic insight into the demise of the nuclear family? Or the confused ramblings of a pissed thirty-something? As Bridget documents her struggles through the social minefield of her thirties and tries to weigh up the eternal question (Daniel Cleaver or Mark Darcy?), she turns for support to four indispensable friends: Shazzer, Jude, Tom and a bottle of chardonnay.Welcome to Bridget's first diary: mercilessly funny, endlessly touching and utterly addictive. Helen Fielding's first Bridget Jones novel, Bridget Jones's Diary, sparked a phenomenon that has seen three books, newspaper columns and the smash-hit film series Bridget Jones' Diary, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and Bridget Jones's Baby.


S 17
Salinger, Jerome David. The Catcher in the Rye : [novel] / J. D. Salinger. – [Edinburgh] : Black & White Publishing, [20??].  – 194 p.
The Catcher in the Rye is an all-time classic in coming-of-age literature- an elegy to teenage alienation, capturing the deeply human need for connection and the bewildering sense of loss as we leave childhood behind. J.D. Salinger's (1919–2010) classic novel of teenage angst and rebellion was first published in 1951. The novel was included on Time's 2005 list of the 100 best English-language novels written since 1923. It was named by Modern Library and its readers as one of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. It has been frequently challenged in the court for its liberal use of profanity and portrayal of sexuality and in the 1950's and 60's it was the novel that every teenage boy wants to read.


T 40
Tevis, Walter. The Queen’s Gambit : [novel] / W. Tevis. – London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2020. – 246 p.
Walter Stone Tevis was an American novelist and short story writer. Three of his six novels were adapted into major films: The Hustler, The Color of Money and The Man Who Fell to Earth. The Queen's Gambit has also been adapted in 2020 into a 7-episode mini-series. His books have been translated into at least 18 languages. The thrilling novel of one young woman’s journey through the worlds of chess and drug addiction.Beth Harmon becomes an orphan when her parents are killed in an automobile accident. At eight years old, she is placed in an orphanage in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, where the children are given a tranquillizer twice a day. Plain and shy, she learns to play chess from the janitor in the basement and discovers that she is a chess genius. She is adopted by Alma and Allston Wheatley and goes to a local school, but remains an outsider. Desperate to study chess and having no money, she steals a chess magazine from a newspaper store and then some money from Alma Wheatley and a girl at school, so that she can enter a tournament. She also steals some of the tranquillizers to which she is becoming addicted. At thirteen she wins the tournament, and by sixteen she is competing in the US Open Championship. Like Fast Eddie (in "The Hustler"), she hates to lose.




15 липня святкує своє 85-річчя поет, перекладач, сценарист, член Спілки письменників України – Павло Михайлович Мовчан. З цієї нагоди пропонує вашій увазі віртуальну виставку „Глибини Слова і велич Чину”.

11 липня о 17:00 запрошуємо на зустріч "Пам’ять поколінь” з колекціонером, дослідником історії Ужгорода та Мукачева Олександром Волошиним. Вхід вільний.
Навіщо тисячі людей з усього світу вирушають у подорож?  „Істинне призначення вашої подорожі – це не місце на карті, а новий погляд на життя”, – стверджував  Генрі Міллер. Пропонуємо вам почитати перед початком подорожі, або й під час, книжки, сюжет яких крутиться і закручується безпосередньо довкола мандрівок та усіляких мандрівних пригод українських письменників. Почитати і надихнутися... До вашої уваги віртуальна виставка "Книгомандри з українськими письменниками".

"Фокстрот", ліхтар, колись була аптека...
Аж раптом - дві сосни. Бібліотека.

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