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"Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека
ім. Ф. Потушняка"

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D 38
Demchenko, O.  The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology : manual for the students of higher educational establishments with the English language of instruction / O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi. –  Ternopil : Ukrmedknyha, 2004. – 284 с. –  Bibliography: p. 283–284.
This manual meets the requirements of the curriculum to the course "The Latin language and the fundamentals of medical terminology" provided in the higher medical educational establishments of Ukraine.
The structure of the manual is simple and helpful. It consists of the main course, terminological appendix to the main course, Latin- English and English-Latin vocabularies. It also contains a few topics for individual study. Their number and contents can be changed according to the teacher's goals. Most oral and written exercises contain a lot of terms to give maximum opportunities for the students to practise. The manual is to be used by foreign students of the higher medical educational establishments of the 3-4 levels of accreditation in Ukraine with the English language of instruction.


E 50
Emergency management of internal diseases : textbook for students of higher medical educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels = Невідкладна допомога при захворюваннях внутрішніх органів : підручник / O. Babak, O. Bilovol [and others] ; ed.: O. Babak, O. Bilovol. – К. : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2010. – 448 p. : table. – Bibliography: p. 441–447.
У підручнику викладено матеріали, опанування яких допоможе майбутнім лікарям обирати тактику ведення хворих у небезпечних для життя ситуаціях, застосовувати неінвазивні й інвазивні методи лікування, підтримувати добрі стосунки з пацієнтами і колегами. Підручник видано англійською мовою, проілюстровано малюнками й таблицями, які легко засвоюються і надовго запам’ятовуються. У підручнику можна швидко знайти потрібну відповідь, коли треба поставити складний діагноз чи ознайомитися з останніми рекомендаціями щодо лікування, покроковими інструкціями і сучасними фармакологічними уявленнями. Для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів ІІІ—IV рівнів акредитації.



F 33
Fedortsiv, O. Ye. Manual of children’s infectious = Дитячі інфекційні хвороби : навч. посіб. / O. Ye. Fedortsiv, I. L. Horishna, I. M. Horishniy. – Ternopil : Ukrmedknyha, 2010. – 382 p. : il., t –able. – Текст англ. мовою.
"Manual of Children's Infectious Diseases" is offered for students with the purpose of the best mastering of material from child's infectious diseases. The text of manual corresponds the studying program from child's infectious diseases. Its sections are placed in obedience to a new studying program of infectious diseases for the 5th year students. Short exposition ofmaterial will help to put in order the received knowledge; it is complemented by the detailed differential tables, and also clinical diagnosis examples in every nosology.The literature recommended for the study of themes is given in the end of every theme. Additions contain the pictures of patients with different infectious nosologies, calendar of prophylactic inoculations, list of medicinal preparations (which are used for treatment of infectious pathology in children) and their recipes, and also standard of "hospital Chart" for facilitation of students' practical work. The offered "Manual of Children's Infectious Diseases" will help students to capture skills of children's inspection, diagnostic thought, planning of medical and prophylactic measures at infectious pathology in children.


G 94
Gulko, R. M. Explanatory dictionary of medicinal botany = Тлумачний словник з медичної ботаніки / R. M. Gulko ; ed. B. Zimenkovsky ; Health Ministry of Ukraine, Lviv Danylo Halitsky National Medical University. –  Vinnytsya : Nova Knyha, 2006. – 224 p. : il. – Bibliography: p. 217-219.
The English explanatory dictionary of medicinal botany for students of pharmacy departments of the Lviv Danylo halitsky State Medical University contains over 20000 words and word combinations used in botany, medical chemistry and microbiology, pharmacognocy and pharmacology. In view of insufficient English manuals the glossary will serve a teaching aid for foreign and Ukrainian students. 


G 99
Gynecology : textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the IV level of accreditation = Гінекологія : підручник / І. Б. Венцківська [et al.] ; ed. I. B. Ventskivska.  – К. : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2010. – 160 p. : il., table. – Текст англ. мовою.
The text covers the questions of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment, and prophylaxis of diseases and pathologies of the female reproductive system. A special attention is paid to the modern and traditional methods of diagnostics used in gynecology. The textbook is recommended for students of institutions of higher medical education of the IV level of accreditation.


K 20
Kapitan, T.  Propaedeutics of children’s diseases and nursing of the child : [textbook for students of higher medical educational institutions / T.  Kapitan = Пропедевтика дитячих хвороб з доглядом за дітьми : [підручник] / Т. В. Капітан. – 4th. ed., updated and translated in English. –Vinnitsa : The State Cartographical Factory, 2010. – 816 p. : il. – Index: p. 791-801.  –Bibliography: p. 802–804. 
This textbook is made on the basis of “Teaching in propaedeutical, departmental and hospital pediatrics for students of higher medical educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation”, authorized by Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The target audience of this textbook is second and third year students of higher educational institutions trained for practical classes in propaedeutics  of children’s illnesses and children care.


  Obstetrics & Gynecology = Акушерство і гінекологія : in 2 volumes : textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the III-IV levels of accreditation / V. I. Gryshchenko [et al.] ; ed.: V. I. Gryshchenko, M. O. Shcherbina. – K. : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2014
Vol. 1 : Obstetrics = Акушерство. – 2014. – 392 p. : il. – Bibliography: p. 384. 
The textbook has been created according to the new obstetrics curriculum and in accordance with the Bologna process requirements. The book describes the latest achievements of Ukrainian and world obstetric science, deals with physiological aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, major factors of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period. Fundamentals of obstetric care in Ukraine are presented considering orders of the MPH of Ukraine, clinical protocols, standards of medical education. For students of higher medical education insti¬tutions of the 3ra-4 levels of accreditation.


  Obstetrics & Gynecology = Акушерство і гінекологія : in 2 volumes : textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the III-IV levels of accreditation / V. I. Gryshchenko [et al.] ; ed.: V. I. Gryshchenko, M. O. Shcherbina. – K. : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2014
Vol. 2 : Gynecology = Гінекологія. – 2014. – 352 p. : il. – Bibliography: p. 349. 
The materials presented in this textbook are based on the program of studying the subject «Obstetrics and Gynecology» on the position of evidence-based medicine and the transition to the Bologna Process. Orders of the Ministry of Public Health On Organization of Inpatient Obstetric and Neonatal Care in Ukraine, as well as modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of gynecological patients are used in the textbook. Each unit contains test tasks and clinical cases with answers to check up the students' knowledge. At the end of each subunit there is the list of practical skills that the students should master.


Obstetrics = Акушерство : textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the IV level of accreditation, who master the discipline in English / I. B. Ventskivska ; ed. I. B. Ventskivska [and others]. – К. : Medicine, 2008. –  336 p. : il., table.
The textbook studies the questions of physiology and pathology of pregnancy, normal and pathological delivery, complications of the puerperal period. The material is given in accordance with the new curriculum, and also in the context of the credit module system. The book is recommended for institutions of higher medical education of the IV level of accreditation, doctors-intern


Otorhinolaryngology : textbook for English-speaking students of higher medical education institutions of the 4th level of accreditation = Оториноларингологія : підручник / Y. Mitin [et al.] ; ed.: Y. Mitin, Y. Deyeva. – Third . ed., revised and expanded. – К. : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2014. – 264 p. – Текст англ. мовою.
The textbook covers the key issues of ear, nose, and throat diseases. Special attention is paid to the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and treatment of ENT diseases. The data of classical and modern scientific research in different otorhinolaryngology branches are presented. The third edition contains tests, new summarizing material, and basic illustrations of the textbook.
The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher medical education institutions of the 4th level of accreditation.s, and doctors- cadets.


P 36
Pediatry : guidance aid : a textbook for students of higher medical education establishments of the III-IV levels of accreditation = Педіатрія : навч. посіб. / О. В. Тяжка [et al.] ; ed. O. Tiazhka. – 2nd. ed., revised and corrected. – К. : AUS Medicine Publishing House, 2015. –  240 p. : table. – Текст англ. мовою.
The guidance aid contains materials in propedeutic pediatry within the curriculum for the students of medical faculty, who master pediatry during the III—V years of studying. Each unit is given its current relevance, the aim of the lesson, a list of questions and a list of practical skills. Besides, there are additional materials and educational tests. For the students of medical faculties of higher medical educational establishments of the III—IV levels of accreditation and teachers.


P 51
Petrenko, V. I. Phthisiology : textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the 4th level of accreditation = Фтизіатрія : підручник / V. I. Petrenko. – К. : Medicine, 2008.  –288 p. : il., table. 
The textbook contains historical information of tuberculosis study, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and immunology of the disease. General principles of the diagnostics and treatment of tuberculosis of respiratory organs and tuberculosis of extrapulmonary localization are presented. The questions of the organization of antituberculous activities in Ukraine and recommended by the WHO are also tackled. The textbook is recommended for students of institutions of higher medical education of the 4 level of accreditation.


S 63
Sipitiy, Vitaly Ivanovich. Neurosurgery = Нейрохірургія : textbook for higher medical schools / V. I. Sipitiy. – Kharkiv : Krossroud, 2011. – 680 p. : il. – Текст англ. мовою. –  Bibliography: p. 674-677.
The text presents fundamentals of the clinical picture, etiology, classification, diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, whose study is envisaged by the syllabus on Neurosurgery for higher medical schools of Ukraine. Intended for students, interns and neurosurgeons.


Я 62
Янков, Анатолій Вікторович. Англійська мова для студентів-медиків. Анатомічна, клінічна, фармакологічна і стоматологічна термінологія : підруч. для студентів вищ. мед. навч. закл. І-ІІ рівнів акредитації = English for Medical Students. Anatomic, Clinical, Pharmacological and Stomatological Terminology : for students of medical colleges / А. В. Янков.  – 3-тє вид., переробл. і допов. – К. : Вища шк., 2010. – 272 p. – Текст англ. мовою. 
У підручнику проводиться систематизоване зіставлення англійських, грецьких і латинських еквівалентів, продуктивних в утворенні анатомічних, клінічних і фармацевтичних термінів.  Друге видання підручника (1-ше — 1998 р. ) доповнене новими матеріалами про сенсорну систему організму людини та англо-українським глосарієм. Для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів І—ІІ рівнів акредитації.




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15 липня святкує своє 85-річчя поет, перекладач, сценарист, член Спілки письменників України – Павло Михайлович Мовчан. З цієї нагоди пропонує вашій увазі віртуальну виставку „Глибини Слова і велич Чину”.


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