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C 67
Coelho, Paulo. Brida : a novel / P. Coelho ; translated from the portuguese M. J. Costa. – New York : Harper, 2009. – 232 p. – (International bestselling author of The Alchemist).
Brida, a young Irish girl, has long been interested in various aspects of magic but is searching for something more. Her search leads her to people of great wisdom. She meets a wise man who dwells in a forest, who teaches her to trust in the goodness of the world, and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the music of the world. As Brida seeks her destiny, she struggles to find a balance between her relationships and her desire to become a witch. This enthralling novel incorporates themes that fans of Paulo Coelho will recognize and treasure. It is a tale of love, passion, mystery, and spirituality from the master storyteller.


C 67
Coelho, Paulo. By the River Piedra I Sat Dowh and wept : a novel / P. Coelho ; translated by A. R. Clarke. – New York : HarperTorch, 2004. – 182 p. – (International bestselling author of The Alchemist).
From Paulo Coelho, author of the bestselling The Alchemist, comes a poignant, richly poetic story that reflects the depth of love and life. Rarely does adolescent love reach its full potential, but what happens when two young lovers reunite after eleven years? Time has transformed Pilar into a strong and independent woman, while her devoted childhood friend has grown into a handsome and charismatic spiritual leader. She has learned well how to bury her feelings and he has turned to religion as a refuge from his raging inner conflicts. Now they are together once again, embarking on a journey fraught with difficulties, as long-buried demons of blame and resentment resurface after more than a decade. But in a small village in the French Pyrenees, by the waters of the River Piedra, a most special relationship will be reexamined in the dazzling light of some of life’s biggest questions.


C 67
Coelho, Paulo. The Fifth Mountain : a novel / P. Coelho ; translated by C. E. Landers. – New York : HarperTorch, 2004. – 246 p. – (International bestselling author of The Alchemist).
Immerse yourself in an electrifying reading experience like no other -- international bestselling author Paulo Coelho's The Fifth Mountain. A stunning novel in the tradition of the highly acclaimed The Alchemist,  this is Coelho's daring retelling of the prophet Elijah. During the chaos of the ninth century B.C., Jezebel, wife to Israel's ruler, orders the execution of all prophets who refuse to worship the pagan god Baal. The young prophet Elijah, commanded by an angel of God to flee Israel, seeks safety in the land of Zarephath, where he unexpectedly finds true love with a young widow. The Fifth Mountain is a testament to the truth that tragedy in life should not be considered a punishment but a challenge of the spirit. Gorgeous in its narrative and unforgettable in its prose, The Fifth Mountain teaches without being sanctimonious. This is a timeless story for the ages, a tale of the past that resonates powerfully for today's readers. 


C 67
Coelho, Paulo. The Pilgrimage : a contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom / P. Coelho ; translated by A. R. Clarke. – New York : HarperTorch, 2004. – 264 p. – (International bestselling author of The Alchemist).
The Pilgrimage recounts the spectacular trials of Paulo Coelho and his mysterious mentor, Petrus, as they journey across Spain in search of a miraculous sword. The Pilgrimage paved the way to Paulo Coelho's international bestselling novel The Alchemist. In many ways, these two volumes are companions – to truly comprehend one, you must read the other. Step inside this captivating account of Paulo Coelho's pilgrimage along the road to Santiago. This fascinating parable explores the need to find one's own path. In the end, we discover that the extraordinary is always found in the ordinary and simple ways of everyday people. Part adventure story, part guide to self-discovery, this compelling tale delivers the perfect combination of enchantment and insight.


C 67
Coelho, Paulo. The Valkyries : an Encounter with Angels / P. Coelho ; translated by A. R. Clarke. – New York : HarperTorch, 2004. – 216 p. – (International bestselling author of The Alchemist).
A Magical Tale About Forgiving Our Past and Believing in Our Future. A classic masterwork of spiritual tension and realization from Paulo Coelho, this powerful story of one man’s battle with self-doubt. In The Valkyries asks the questions most central to all literature – and all of humanity’s quest for understanding. Why is it that we destroy the things we love most? And how can we learn to let go of the past and believe in the future? 


C 67
Coelho, Paulo. The Zahir : a novel of obsession / P. Coelho ; translated from the portuguese M. J. Costa. – New York : HarperTorch, 2006. – 204 p. – (International bestselling author of The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes).
The narrator of  The Zahir  is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who has disappeared along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover. Was Esther kidnapped, murdered, or did she simply escape a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn’t have any answers, but he has plenty of questions of his own. Then one day Mikhail finds the narrator and promises to reunite him with his wife. In his attempt to recapture a lost love, the narrator discovers something unexpected about himself. 




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