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B 96
Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Little Lord Fauntleroy / F. B. Burnett. – K. : Znannia, 2017. – 192 p. – (American Library). 
„Little Lord Fauntleroy” is the first novel for children by British-American writer Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849–1924) which very soon gained in popularity and already for many decades remains one of the little ones’ favorite books. The main hero of the novel, seven-year-old Cedric Errol, acquired the benevolence of a lot of generations of young and grown-up readers thanks to his kind heart, the ability to love and his great desire to make this world better. The novel is translated into many languages and, basing on its motifs, a lot of theatrical performances and films were created.


H 55
Henry, O.  The Ransom of Red Chief and Other Stories / O. Henry. – Kyiv : Znannia, 2016. – 256 p. – (English Library). 
The proposed collection of literary works by O. Henry (William Sidney Porter, 1862–1910), besides the story „The Ransom of Red Chief”, includes such masterpieces of his creative heritage as „The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson”, „A Blackjack Bargainer”, „A Retrieved Reformation” and others. Many of them were screened more than once. Behind the alternation of adventures and situations, humor, irony or sarcasm, there expressively arise the author’s reflections on human being, their aspirations for love, kindness, and happiness. The author’s inexhaustible creative imagination strikes the reader. As a rule, his stories have a sudden ending. They enrapture and move, and what is most important, they always bear optimism and give hope. 


P 78
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat and Other Stories / E. A. Poe. – K. : Znannia, 2018. – 192 p. – (American Library). 
Edgar Allan Poe (1809 –1849) – a classic of American literature, a man of brilliant talent and tragic fate. The proposed collection includes Poe’s stories written in Gothic style whose heroes are distinguished for their unusual disposition and eccentric behaviour. The stories excel in deep psychologism, extreme situations in which only those strong in spirit survive. Mastery combination of mystical elements, horror scenes, the deeds which are at variance with generally accepted norms of life and death, with romance, satire, hints and allusions makes Edgar Poe’s works interesting and attractive for today’s readers as well.


P 78
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Stories / E. A. Poe. – K. : Znannia, 2018. – 208 p. – (American Library). 
Edgar Allan Poe (1809 –1849) was an outstanding American writer, poet, literary critic and editor, the representative of romanticism. Known, first and foremost, as the author of tales of mystery and the macabre, he is also considered an inventor of the detective fiction genre, and some of his novelle contain the elements of science fiction, horror and fantasy.Psychological analysis and the ability to convey profound truth through phantasmagoria are being combined, in a masterly manner, in his artistic style which is characterised by the condensity and vividness of its images and the balance of its composition.The readers are brought forward the writer’s best-known novelle which have been included into the collection.


P 85
Porter, Eleanor. Just David / E. H. Porter. – K. : Znannia, 2018. –224 p. – (American Library). 
„Just David” is one more novel by a world-famous American writer Eleanor H. Porter (1868–1920), the author of the best-seller about Pollyanna. Unlike „Pollyanna”, a charming tale about the girl, „Just David” is not less moving and interesting story about the unusual boy with crystal-clear soul, who so splendidly masters the art of playing violin that even the most hard-hearted and insensible people, listening to his music and communicating with him, become more kind-hearted and begin to see beauty around them.


T 98
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / M. Twain. – K. : Znannia, 2017. – 336 p. – (American Library). 
„The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is one of Mark Twain’s best-known literary works. The story is devoted to Tom Sawyer’s best friend, homeless boy Huckleberry Finn who runs away from his brutal father-drunkard to the desert island. Here he quite unexpectedly meets up a fugitive slave Jim – the noblest character of the book. They travel together on the raft along the Mississippi. Unlooked-for adventures and dangerous trials are awaiting for them, but unselfishness, kindness, and loyalty to friendship help them stand out in complicated circumstances. The book is full of profound respect for a man, love for life and teaches to live according to simple, eternal laws of justice and humanity.




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15 липня святкує своє 85-річчя поет, перекладач, сценарист, член Спілки письменників України – Павло Михайлович Мовчан. З цієї нагоди пропонує вашій увазі віртуальну виставку „Глибини Слова і велич Чину”.


"Фокстрот", ліхтар, колись була аптека...
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