Комунальний заклад

"Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека
ім. Ф. Потушняка"

Закарпатської обласної ради

   >     > DSIB >  PPA > 


Location – prospect Svobody, 16; 2nd floor

Phone: (03122) 2-39-82

The point functions within the Department of Scientific Information and Bibliography.

Get the official information at the library


The Network of Citizen Access Points (CAPs) was launched in June 2009 by Ukrainian Library Association as a part of the Parliamentary Development Program II (PDP II) grant with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); CAPs Network’s activities are coordinated by ULA together with PDP II.

 Within the project of the Ukrainian Library Association (ULA) and the Parliamentary Development Program II (PDP II) Transcarpathian Regional Universal Scientific Library named after F. Potushnyak became a part of the Network of Citizen Access Points to official information at Ukrainian libraries.

Citizen Access Point (CAP) is the information center at the library, where citizens can get the necessary information on the work of State Authorities (including electronic sources) and learn about the ways to get involved in the legislative process, as well as influence the decision-making process.

Each user of the library can study the content of a particular law or resolution, get information on state institutions, political parties, public organizations and address the vital issues directly at the library.

This became possible due to the new information technologies, free Internet access and, therefore, access to electronic resources of State Authorities, and the work of the Network of Citizen Access Points. After all, at Citizen Access Points you can get consultations from the librarians who attended special ULA trainings: “Governmental Information for the Citizens at Ukrainian Libraries”; every library regularly receives emails on various topics and periodicals from PDP II, ULA, and other institutions that are related to the work of state authorities and public access to the legislative process; library representatives attend educational seminars, conferences, presentations and exhibitions on e-government and public access to the legislative process, spreading the experience and knowledge gained at these events in their communities.


Ukrainian Library Association is an independent Ukrainian public organization that on the voluntary basis unites individuals (Ukrainian citizens, foreign citizens, and stateless individuals), who are professionally associated with librarianship, bibliographic and informational work, and individuals interested in their development, based on the unity of their interests, for the joint realization of their rights and freedoms.

 ULA mission: comprehensive promotion of the librarianship and ensuring the rights of library users to qualitative and timely library and informational-bibliographic maintenance, as well as protection of social interests and other common interests of the ULA members.


American people through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) provide assistance to the countries all over the world for almost 50 years now. (In Ukraine the assistance of USAID is directed in three areas: health care and social transformation, economic growth, democracy and governance). Since 1992 the U.S. Agency for International Development provided technical and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine in the amount of $ 1.7 billion. For more information on the programs of the U.S. Agency for International Development in Ukraine, please, contact the Department of Development and Information by phone: +38 (044) 492-7101 or visit the following page: or


Parliamentary Development Project for Ukraine (PDP), supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), cooperates with Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for over 15 years now (since July 1994), providing comparative information to the deputies of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, holding trainings and consultations on the effective work of the Parliamentary Authorities, appropriate fulfillment of parliamentary functions and strengthening the abilities of the only legislative body of Ukraine. Since 2008, while continuing to provide technical assistance to the Parliament, then as PDP II, the Program has been cooperating with the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and individual ministries; and in 2009 the subroutine of cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In May 2011 the work of PDP II was extended for 2 years (till July 2013). 

 You can find more information on the Network of CAPs, as well as the list of the libraries that are members of this network, on the website of PDP II in the section “The Network of Citizen Access Points to Official Information”.

The address of CAP network blog: “Citizen Access to Official Information: the Role of Libraries”.


FB page of Network CAPs

Twitter page of Network CAPs

 We welcome you to communication!


Useful links

Anyone who needs current information on the topics related to the work of the authorities in Transcarpathian region should visit the websites of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration and Transcarpathian Regional Council.

You might be interested in:

Contact information of the departments of central executive bodies responsible for establishing interaction with the public and the media

Information on direct and "hot" lines of the executive authorities

Information resources for public associations






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