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The Power of a woman's voice=Голос жінки має силу

до Місяця жіночої історії=Women's History Month

There cannot be true democracy unless women's voices are heard.

Не може бути справжньої демократії, якщо голоси жінок не будуть почуті. 
Hillary Clinton


Women's History Month is a time to honor the women who have made important sacrifices and contributions to society in both the past and present and educating people about the important impacts powerful women. It has been annually observed in the United States and other countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia, every March since 1987. The month-long commemoration started with Women’s History Day in 1978, organized by the school district of Sonoma, California. Hundreds of students participated in the essay competitions, many presentations were given, and a parade was held in Santa Rosa. The idea caught on and, a few years later, school districts, communities, and organizations all over the country were celebrating the day. In 1980, the National Women’s History Alliance championed for the holiday to be observed as a national week, and this was backed by President Jimmy Carter, who issued the first proclamation declaring the week of March 8 as National Women’s History Week. The following year, Congress forwarded a resolution establishing a national observance. Six years later, the expansion of the event to the whole month of March was successfully petitioned by the National Women’s History Project. During the month of March, we give a little extra attention to all of the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Every woman has a story to tell and gifts to share with the world. Women are inspirational. Learning about women who have stood up for their rights and fought for what they believe is fantastic motivation. We all have the power to influence the direction our world is headed in, and National Women’s History Month reminds us of that.
This month is an excellent opportunity to put a spotlight on all of the major things women accomplish each and every day. From domestic chores and carrying babies to fighting wars and governing countries, women are pretty darn amazing. Each year, there is a theme for Women's History Month that is created by the National Women's History Alliance. The 2023 theme is "Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories," which recognizes "women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, blogs, podcasts, news and social media," according to the National Women's History Alliance website.

Місяць жіночої історії – міжнародна ініціатива, що відзначається з 1987 року у США, Австралії, Канаді, Великобританії та інших країнах. Основне покликання ініціативи – підкреслити роль жінок в історичних подіях та сучасності. Почалося святкування Дня жіночої історії в 1978 році, яке було організоване шкільним округом Сонома, Каліфорнія. Сотні студентів взяли участь у конкурсах, написаннях есе, було представлено багато презентацій, а в Санта-Роза відбувся парад. Ідея прижилася, і через кілька років шкільні округи, громади та організації по всій країні святкували цей день. У 1980 році Національний жіночий історичний альянс виступив за те, щоб свято відзначалося як національний тиждень, і це було підтримано президентом Джиммі Картером, який видав першу прокламацію, проголошуючи  Національний тижнь жіночої історії. Наступного року Конгрес прийняв резолюцію про встановлення національного свята. Через шість років Національний жіночий історичний проект успішно подав петицію про розширення заходу на весь березень. У березні ми приділяємо  більше уваги всім дивовижним досягненням сильних, рішучих жінок. У кожної жінки є історія, яку можна розповісти і  якою можна поділитися зі світом. Жінки надихають. Цей місяць — чудова нагода привернути увагу до всіх головних речей, які жінки роблять щодня. Від домашніх до воєнних справ і правління країнами. Жінки справді неймовірні. Щороку існує тема Місяця жіночої історії, яка створюється Національним альянсом жіночої історії. Тема 2023 року — «Відзначення жінок, які розповідають історії», присвячена жінкам, які брали активну участь у всіх формах медіа, включаючи друк, радіо, телебачення, сцену, блоги, подкасти, новини та соціальні мережі. 



H 69

A History of Women in the West  / general ed.: G. Duby, M. Perrot. – Cambridge : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press ; London, [1992] –   

Vol. 1 : From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints / ed. P. S. Pantel ; translator A. Goldhammer. – [1992]. – 576 p. : il.


This work addresses the history of women from the ancients to the 1980s. Editors George Duby et al. state that this series of books "is the product of a revolution an ongoing, far-reaching revolution in the relations between men and women in Western societies."  and "is intended to be not so much a history of women as a history of the relation between the sexes" because that is "the crux of the problem, the source of women's identity and othernes." This  series sets before us an engaging, panoramic chronicle that extends from antiquity to the present day. The authors draw upon a wide range of sources investigate legal, economic, and demographic aspects of family and communal life to illustrate how representations of women evolved during this age.



Keenan, Sheila. Sholastic encyclopedia of women in the United States  / S. Keenan. – New York : Scholastic Reference, [2002]. – 206 p. : il.


Anne Bradstreet, Pocahontas, Lucretia Mott, Nellie Bly, Isadora Duncan, Amelia Earhart, Dr. Karen Horney, Marilyn Monroe, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Rodham Clinton... these are women who, over the last 400 years, have helped shape the United States. Packed with intriguing photos and illustrations, this big, glorious volume chronicles and celebrates the lives and achievements of more than 250 American women for the benefit of tomorrow's history-makers.  Just browsing through this encyclopedia will make young readers feel proud of the incredible contributions the "weaker sex" has made--and continues to make--to the world.

63.3 (7СПО)

S 60

Silberdick Feinberg, Barbara. America's First Ladies : changing Expectations / B. Silberdick Feinberg. – New York [and others] : Franklin Watts, [1998]. – 144 p. : il.


This book examines the ways America's First Ladies have been both defined by, and have helped change, the role of women in the United States. First Ladies have influenced every aspect of American life, from domestic habits and hairstyles to government policy and public service.



Ignotofsky, Rachel. Women in Science : 50 fearless pioneers – who changed the world / R. Ignotofsky ; ill. R. Ignotofsky. – Berkeley : Ten Speed Press, 2016. – 128 p. : il.


A charmingly illustrated and educational book, New York Times best seller Women in Science highlights the contributions of fifty notable women to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) from the ancient to the modern world. Full of striking, singular art, this fascinating collection also contains infographics about relevant topics such as lab equipment, rates of women currently working in STEM fields, and an illustrated scientific glossary. The trailblazing women profiled include well-known figures like primatologist Jane Goodall, as well as lesser-known pioneers such as Katherine Johnson, the African-American physicist and mathematician who calculated the trajectory of the 1969 Apollo 11 mission to the moon. Women in Science celebrates the achievements of the intrepid women who have paved the way for the next generation of female engineers, biologists, mathematicians, doctors, astronauts, physicists, and more!


P 92

Price-Groff, Claire. Extraordinary Women Journalists / C. Price-Groff. – New York [and other] : Children's Press, a Division of Grolier Publishing, [1997]. – 272 p. : il.


Price-Groff profiles well-known and lesser-known figures from diverse areas of journalism from the Revolution to the present day. She describes the lives and careers of over 50 reporters, publishers, humorists, columnists, photographers, and television journalists. Chapters are short but full of useful information and are accompanied by large black-and-white photos.  Students learn about American and world history, politics, and culture as they read these short biographies. A list of organizations and Internet sites related to women, history, and journalism is included.


H 33

Hasday, Judy L. Extraordsnary Women Athletes  / J. L. Hasday. – New York [and others] : Children's Press, a Division od Scholastic INC., [2000]. – 287 p. : il. – (Extraordinary people).


In this collective biography, familiar names like Sonja Henie and Martina Navratilova appear alongside their less familiar but influential colleagues, such as African American tennis great Ora Washington and Olympic vice-president Anita DeFrantz. The strictly formatted sketches of 45 women have competition as their main focus, with information on childhood, family, and education to round out the picture. Sprinkled in between the biographies are chapters on athletes in ancient times, the women's baseball league, the WNBA, and female sportscasters. 


R 52

Rice, Condoleezza. No Higher Honor : a memoir of My Years in Washington / C. Rice. – New York : Broadway Paperbacks, [2011]. – 766 p. : il. – (New York Times Bestseller).


CONDOLEEZZA RICE was the sixty-sixth U.S. Secretary of State and the first black woman to hold that office.  Prior to that, she was the first woman to serve as National Security Advisor.  She is a professor at Stanford University, and co-founder of the RiceHadley Group.  Rice is also the author of the New York Times bestselling Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family. In her position as America’s chief diplomat, Rice traveled almost continuously around the globe, seeking common ground among sometimes bitter enemies, forging agreement on divisive issues, and compiling a remarkable record of achievement. A native of Birmingham, Alabama who overcame the racism of the Civil Rights era to become a brilliant academic and expert on foreign affairs.


C 61

Clinton, Hillary Rodham. Living History / H. R. Clinton. – New York [and other] : Scribner, [2003]. – 574 p. : il. – (The Phenomenal #1 Worldwide Bestseller ).


Hillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Living History is her revealing memoir of life through the White House years. It is also her chronicle of living history with Bill Clinton, a thirty-year adventure in love and politics that survives personal betrayal, relentless partisan investigations and constant public scrutiny. Intimate, powerful and inspiring, Living History captures the essence of one of the most remarkable women of our time and the challenging process by which she came to define herself and find her own voice – as a woman and as a formidable figure in American politics.


K 33
Kennan Warnecke, Grace Daughter of the Cold War / G. K. Warnecke. – Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. – 290 p. : il. – (Pitt Series in Russian and East European studies).


Grace Kennan Warnecke’s memoir is about a life lived on the edge of history. Daughter of one of the most influential diplomats of the twentieth century, wife of the scion of a newspaper dynasty and mother of the youngest owner of a major league baseball team. Born in Latvia, Grace lived in seven countries and spoke five languages before the age of eleven. As a child, she witnessed Hitler’s march into Prague, attended a Soviet school during World War II, and sailed the seas with her father. In a multi-faceted career, she worked as a professional photographer, television producer, and book editor and critic.  While running her own consulting company in Russia, she witnessed the breakup of the Soviet Union, and later became director of a women’s economic empowerment project in a newly independent Ukraine. Daughter of the Cold War is a tale of all these adventures and so much more. This compelling and evocative memoir allows readers to follow Grace’s amazing path through life – a whirlwind journey of survival, risk, and self-discovery through a kaleidoscope of many countries, historic events, and fascinating people.



Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month

Womens History Month 2023 

Why March is National Womens History Month


When is Women's History Month? Everything you need to know


A Proclamation on Womens History Month, 2023


Підготувала Замула В. В.



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